Truss/Rafter Fastening Systems

  • Ships Mar 21 when you order now
    Regular price $231.22
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The Simpson Strong-Tie truss and rafter fastening system is a unique system that attaches to any drill or impact driver. This Quik Stik fastening system speeds up fastening rafter and truss connections. It is specifically designed for installing Strong-Drive SDWC Truss Screws in overhead applications. The Quik Stik allows you to install secure connection from a standing position. The install options include narrow-face stud to top plate, wide-face stud to top plate and truss rafter offset from stud. Installation can be performed quickly and to code compliance.


Need assistance finding the right Quik Drive System for your job? Give us a shout at (888) 794-1590 or shoot us an email at and one of our Product Experts will point you in the right direction!